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What's The Number One Way To Keep Your Tenants Happy In 2021?

What's The Number One Way To Keep Your Tenants Happy In 2021?

One of the keys to successfully owning rental properties is keeping your tenants happy. Happy tenants pay their rent on time and keep their properties in good condition.

The big question is: what's the best method for keeping tenants happy?

The answer is proper maintenance management.

When a landlord listens to their tenant and handles every maintenance request on time, and correctly, the landlord can have confidence they're doing the best thing possible to keep their tenants happy.

Why Maintenance Is So Important To Tenants

Let's face it: every tenant likes to live in a rental property that's well maintained. It shows that the landlord is taking the time to care for their property instead of ignoring maintenance or making excuses.

No tenant likes to live in a rental property with broken appliances, damaged floors, or other areas that are continually breaking down.

Any landlord who takes the time to repair their property can have confidence that they are doing their part to keep their property in great shape while showing tenants that they care about them and want to continue earning their business for years to come.

When Should Maintenance Be Done?

Besides the practical benefit, maintenance is also an essential part of tenant happiness. It offers landlords an extra opportunity to connect with tenants that they might not get during a typical 12-month lease.

Focusing on maintenance is also beneficial for landlords because it allows landlords to enter their rental properties more than once a year. These regular peeks ensure the tenants are keeping their rental properties in excellent condition.

Routine maintenance, or at the very least inspections, should be done at a rental property every six months to ensure that the property remains in great shape.

Contact GoldenWest Management For Top Tier Maintenance Service

At GoldenWest Management, we only work with licensed and bonded contractors; this will give you confidence that every repair on your rental property is guaranteed to be correctly completed.

Our company has a 24-7 maintenance hotline plus a convenient online portal for tenants to submit their maintenance requests.

To learn more about our property management services, contact us today by calling (866) 545-5303 or click here to connect with us online.


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