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What Is Xeriscaping? Is It A Smart Choice For Your Rental Property?

With California, Arizona, and Nevada in a state of drought, most landlords are considering eliminating landscaping from their properties to save water.

As lawns and landscape plants are eliminated, the big question is what’s the next best option? Should artificial landscaping be considered, or Xeriscaping?

In this article, we will break down the benefits of Xeriscaping and how this type of landscaping will affect your rental property.

Why Consider Xeriscaping?

Xeriscaping involves dramatically altering a landscape so that a traditional lawn and landscape plants are all but eliminated in favor of native plants, or landscaping that can thrive with little to no water.

The average price for a Xeriscape installation is between $5 and $20 per square foot but, the long-term ROI is certainly worth it, especially since most tenants don’t like landscape maintenance anyway and it makes sense to offer a tenant a property with zero landscape maintenance needs.

Easy To Maintain

Once installed, a Xeriscape landscape costs little to no money to maintain and what’s most ideal is that these properties often require less than half the water of traditional high-water landscapes.

What’s even more ideal is that many drought-tolerant plants only require watering when they are first planted, this means that you can have confidence that your rental property landscape will look great and won’t require any effort on the part of your tenant to maintain it.

Say Goodbye To A Brown Lawn

In 2022, brown lawns are common on the West Coast, especially in the San Diego area, but the good news is that those brown lawns can become a thing of the past with Xeriscaping.

With Xeriscape, you can improve the value of your rental property, and save money on maintenance, while also doing your part to conserve water.

Contact GoldenWest Management

At GoldenWest Management, we specialize in managing single-family and multifamily properties.

Our property management team can help you make the right decisions for your property that will increase its value while also earning you more ROI.

To learn more about the property management services that we can offer you, contact us today by calling (866) 545-5303 or click here to connect with us online.