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What Are The Most Common Maintenance Issues Landlords Should Be Aware Of In Rental Properties?

Rental properties continue to be an excellent investment in 2022, but the reality is that they can also be a headache at times, especially when maintenance issues arise.

Thankfully, landlords can easily plan for and anticipate maintenance issues, if they know of the most common maintenance issues that they should be aware of.

Plumbing Maintenance Issues

It doesn’t matter if it’s a single-family, or multifamily rental property, plumbing is the top maintenance issue that landlords face because it’s the #1 thing that tenants are going to use in a rental property.

Tenants are going to be taking showers, using the toilets and sinks regularly. With the use of the plumbing in a rental property will also come an occasional leaky faucet, toilet, or broken water pipe.

Thankfully, landlords can anticipate plumbing issues before they occur by scheduling annual or semi-annual inspections of the rental property. Inspections are a great time to thoroughly inspect the plumbing to make sure that it’s functioning normally.

Besides inspecting the plumbing, tenants should also be given a commercial grade plunger, with instructions on how to use it, because this will eliminate them potentially spending hours battling a clogged toilet while also ensuring that there isn’t an overflow of the toilet at the property.

Exterior Maintenance Issues

Some of the exterior maintenance issues which can cause problems for landlords in the future include trash accumulation, excess weed growth, overgrown tree branches, and roofs that need repair.

If tenants are responsible for the exterior maintenance of the property, they should either be mowing/trimming the yard properly, or hiring someone to mow and trim the yard, cut back tree limbs, and keep other vegetation from touching the property.

Proper landscape maintenance will ensure that the rental is protected during Santa Ana weather when winds can carry embers and an overgrown property can lead to a fire.

After ensuring that the property maintenance is taken care of, landlords should also monitor the paint and curb appeal of the property as well because letting curb appeal go can lead to a decline in the value of the property and make it less appealing to prospective tenants.

Contact GoldenWest Management

At GoldenWest Management we specialize in multifamily and single-family property management for San Diego, Las Vegas, and Phoenix.

Our team saves owners the time, money, and hassle of managing their properties themselves, so they can focus on enjoying passive income from their properties.

To learn more about our property management services, contact us today by calling (866) 545-5303 or click here to connect with us online.