Tenant Portal
Owner Portal

Screening Questions to Ask Every Tenant

Tenant screening is one of the keys to success in managing a rental property because it’s what makes it possible for the landlord to really know whom they are renting to, and what they can expect from that person.


Besides using online tools to check a tenant’s background and credit, knowing the right questions to ask is also important because the answers to those questions may bring out information not covered during the background check.


#1 – When Do You Plan on Moving In?


Their answer to this question will provide you with insight into their current situation and show you if you need to move quickly with getting the property ready for them to move in.


#2 – How Long Have You Lived at Your Current Address?


It’s not uncommon for most tenants to answer that they’ve lived at their current address for one year but, if they tell you that they move every six months, this should be cause for concern because they could be moving to escape unpaid bills, or it’s possible that they could be a member of the military.


#3 – Why Are You Looking to Move?


Are they moving because of rent increases, or because their current rental doesn’t meet their needs any longer?


Their answer to this question will surprise you, offer insight into why they are really moving, and if there’s an underlying issue that’s causing them to move.


#4 – Do You Have Pets?


Obviously, you may have already told them that you don’t allow pets but, you should still ask this question anyway because they may have missed it during the application process and are planning on moving in with their dog or cat.


#5 – How Many People Will Be Living with You?


Last of all, but most important, don’t hesitate to ask an applicant how many people will be living with them because, even though they’ve only added their spouse on the application, they may intend on asking their family to live with them once they move in.


Contact GoldenWest Management


At GoldenWest Management, we specialize in property management for single-family and multifamily properties in San Diego, Phoenix, and Las Vegas.


To learn more about the services we can offer, contact us today at (866) 545-5303 or click here.