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Nevada Eviction Moratorium Extended 45 Days

Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak announced on Monday 8/31 that the statewide eviction moratorium has been extended for another 45 days.

The move came just in time as the previous eviction moratorium was slated to expire today, September 1st, 2020, at 12:01 am.

About The 45 Day Extension

With the Governor’s eviction moratorium extension also comes an increase of $10 million dollars in rental assistance as well that will enable counties to pay out financial assistance to landlords, fund unemployment claims, and mediation programs.

During his press conference on Monday, Governor Sisolak also stated that tenants who have been affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic still had an obligation to pay their rents.

Hopeful That Landlords And Tenants Will Work Together

Like other Governors across the United States, Sisolak is hopeful that both landlords and tenants will come together to work out rental payment arrangements so that tenants who are struggling financially can pay their landlords some of the money that they owe them.

The new alternative dispute resolution will certainly help landlords and tenants agree on back rent that’s owed before landlords choose to start the eviction process.

Governor Sisolak also empowered Nevada’s Supreme Court to waive its 60-day requirement for creating new rules for dispute resolutions. This is expected to streamline the dispute resolution process in the court system, and that’s a good thing, because once Nevada’s eviction moratorium expires for good, mass evictions are expected in Nevada.


Lawmakers in the State of California also extended their eviction moratorium through January 2021.

This new eviction moratorium (AB 3088) doesn’t give tenants a free ride of 5 months without having to pay their rents, California tenants have to pay 25% of their rents during this period and sign a document which states that they have been hurt financially during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Is Extending Eviction Bans Like Kicking The Can?

Extending Nevada and California’s eviction bans has been called “kicking the can” by many people because lawmakers continue to push back evictions for a few months when in reality the problem just gets worse with each eviction ban extension.

Like tenants in Nevada, California renters still have to pay back rent that they owe their landlords dating back to the start of the Pandemic.

Will tenants in either state be able to pay their landlords the back rent that they owe them?

Are small, ‘mom and pop’ landlords who have houses for rent in either state going to be able to survive for another 30 days or more without collecting money owed for rent?

The answers to these questions will only be known with time.

As with any other property manager in San Diego or Nevada, we’re hopeful that local economies will improve and eviction cliffs can be avoided because with fall and winter fast approaching, nobody in the United States wants to see more people living on the streets.

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At GoldenWest Management we specialize in ‘boutique-style’ property management. This means that we provide personalized service for all of our tenants so that each tenant feels like they are our only tenant.

If you need property management, or you’re tired of your current property manager and want a change, contact us today by calling (866) 545-5303 or click here to connect with us online.