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Nevada Covid CHAP Program Comes to An End

With Covid-19 coming to an end nationwide many of the Federal and State programs aimed at helping tenants avoid eviction are also coming to an end as well.


Nevada’s Covid Chap program has finally come to an end, and any tenant who applies for the program after January 23rd will have their application denied.


Although the end of Covid Chap may come as a shock to some tenants, the reality is that the state of Nevada has other eviction programs available including FI CHAP and Eviction CHAP.


In this article, we will break down both programs and offer your insight into how they can help Las Vegas residents.




Fixed Income Chap requires at least one of the tenants on the lease agreement to be earning a fixed income.


This means that their income can be from disability, pension, or social security, and they must have received a rent increase within the last 12 months.


Tenants who apply for FI Chap must also have received an eviction notice for nonpayment of rent, and they must have answered that eviction notice in court.


Eviction CHAP


To qualify for Eviction Chap, tenants must have a change in their personal situation that may be preventing them from paying their rent including medical bills


The tenant who files for Eviction Chap must be on the lease agreement, and they also must show proof that they have been paying rent for the last 12 months.


Unlike FI Chap, this program offers a short window of help (1-2 months), and it is a one-time assistance program.


More Changes Coming to Nevada Evictions


Changes to Nevada’s eviction laws are not finished yet because it’s likely that elected officials in Nevada will be pushing for more Covid-19 eviction programs, while opponents of such programs will be pushing for more rights for landlords.


To stay on top of the latest changes to the Nevada rental market, or to learn more about our property management services, contact us today at (866) 545-5303 or click here to connect with us online.