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How To Handle Package Deliveries As A Landlord

How To Handle Package Deliveries As A Landlord

Over the last year as Covid-19 has changed the world, millions of people are now shopping online more than ever before.

The increase in online shopping means that most households nationwide are now ordering at least two items online per month, and having those things delivered to their homes.

For multi-family properties, the increase in package deliveries also presents a problem for property managers because most managers, or landlords, don’t have criteria in place for how to receive those packages.

In this article, we will share with you several tips that landlords can use to streamline package delivery at their multi-family properties.

Tip #1 – Install A Locker System, Or Hub

The first solution to handle the increase in package deliveries at a multi-family property is to install a locker system, or Amazon hub, which can cost between $10K to $20K.

This is a practical solution to handling package deliveries because instead of FedEx, USPS, or UPS leaving those packages in front of a tenant’s door, the delivery company can be instructed to leave the package in a locker instead.

Having a locker system is a safe and practical way to accept packages and remove the owner or landlord from any threat of being held liable if a package goes missing.

Tip #2 – Only Accept Packages At Your Office

Let’s say that a landlord or on-site property manager doesn’t want to invest in having a locker or hub installed at their property, the next solution to consider is accepting packages only at their office.

This tip only works if there is an on-site office, but it’s an effective way to ensure that packages are not stolen from a tenant if they are left unattended at the tenant’s front door for too long.

Tip #3 – Don’t Accept Package Deliveries

Last, of all, another solution to consider is to not accept package deliveries at all.

This solution may not work for some landlords considering that most people have Amazon Prime accounts these days and will want to have their packages delivered to them instead of having to pick them up from the local distribution center.

If this solution won’t work for a landlord, it’s possible that they could allow drivers to place packages at their tenant’s front doors but there’s always the risk of those packages getting stolen if they are left unattended for long.

Ultimately, the decision that a landlord or on-site property manager makes depends on their budget, goals, local crime rate, and of course the policies of the companies that deliver to the building.

Contact GoldenWest Management

At GoldenWest Management, we offer property management in San Diego, Phoenix, and Las Vegas.

Our team of property managers will save you the time, money, and hassle of managing your properties yourself so that you can focus on enjoy passive income from your rental property and avoid the hassles of common landlord issues that affect most owners.

To learn more about the services that we can offer you, contact us today by calling (866) 545-5303 or click here to connect with us online.