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Does San Diego need even looser rules for ADUs?

If you’ve lived in San Diego for any length of time, you know that we have a housing crisis that’s only getting worse thanks to a shortage of housing.


One solution that will help the rental market is to make building Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) even easier for homeowners.


Everyone knows about the benefits of ADUs, and how they can solve an immediate problem by providing badly needed housing to San Diego, the big question is do we need even looser rules for ADUs in San Diego? The answer is yes.


Why Should There Be Looser Rules For ADUs?


Let’s face it, the San Diego area needs more housing immediately and what’s stopping most homeowners from building an ADU on their property is the process of getting their project approved.


Homeowners are busy, and they often don’t have the time to go through all of the steps required to build an ADU on their property.


If there were looser rules for ADUs in the San Diego area, more housing could become available in SD this year and property owners would be able to generate passive income from their ADUs,


Sadly, even though many benefits come with ADUs, some groups in the San Diego area are standing in the way due to fears of overbuilding, and too many people living in neighborhoods across SD.


Other groups who oppose ADUs feel that they don’t actually help solve the housing crisis, and are never actually occupied by people who need them.

An Issue That Has To Be Addressed

Regardless of where you sit on the ADU debate, one thing is clear, accessory dwelling units do provide badly needed housing to communities across San Diego.

Instead of continuing to debate ADUs, it’s time for the City of San Diego to loosen the rules and make it easier for homeowners to get them built, or we could find ourselves still debating this issue in another 12 months.

Contact GoldenWest Management

At GoldenWest Management, we specialize in property management for single-family and multifamily properties across San Diego, Las Vegas, and Phoenix.

To learn more about the property management services that we can offer you, contact us today by calling (866) 545-5303 or click here to connect with us online.